My passion is helping parents who feel stuck and unhappy in their life to figure out their next steps.
To get back in the driver seat of their life and career direction.
To arrive at a decision to move forward and help them create a plan to make that happen.
I get that it’s horrible being a working parent in a job you have lost all passion for because I have been exactly where you are right now! I was exhausted mentally and physically trying to keep everyone happy. My health suffered.
Going around in circles, trying to figure out what you could possibly do instead, ruling out every idea you fleetingly have.
Feeling like you are destined to be miserable in your work for the remainder of your career.
But by working through what I want from my working world, figuring out a viable alternative that didn't mean starting back at square one earning nothing, I went from miserable to thriving and happy again!
This is what I now help parents with.
Believe me running these ideas around in your head will not get the car rolling.
Once I spoke about this out loud to my coach and put my energy into what will work for me and not staying up in my head everything changed for me..
You see you need to have the ideas, plans which I can help you with...
Most of all you need to take action, if you just keep talking, thinking about it and watching others do well you'll never get there!!
Take a step forward now and book a call with me.
See images surviving to thriving in a snapshot...